The FireSmartTM program is designed to encourage local, self-organized groups of neighbours to implement solutions for wildfire safety by engaging and supporting homeowners, community leaders and others in shared efforts to protect people and property from wildfire.
A FireSmart neighbourhood stands an even greater likelihood of surviving a wildfire than an individual FireSmart property. FireSmart improvements made by you and your neighbours will benefit everyone, so let’s work together!
FireSmart is living with and managing for wildfire in your area and on your property. Becoming wildfire resilient is a shared responsibility across BC. FireSmart and its seven disciplines is an all-encompassing program, extending from the individual homeowner level up to a landscape land management level.
FireSmart principles have shown that they are effective at reducing the risk to life and property in the most extreme wildfire conditions. The FireSmart program is backed by a vast amount of field, laboratory and wildfire modelling research. Its methods help reduce the risk of losses under even the most extreme fire conditions.
The goal of FireSmart is to empower homeowners to increase their resilience to wildfire on their properties and in their communities. Protecting your home from wildfire starts with simple actions. Whether you are doing regular yard maintenance or making large scale changes during renovations or landscaping, you can make choices that will help protect your home from wildfire.
The first step to becoming FireSmart is to educate yourself, your family and your community. Find out what you need to know to increase the wildfire resiliency of your property and neighbourhood.
Learn about FireSmart
Taking action to FireSmart your property will dramatically decrease the risk of wildfire damaging your home. See the following infographics for tips on how to FireSmart your property.
Check out the Related Links section at the bottom of this page for even more information!

Take the FireSmart 101 Course
This free, one hour online course provides a great introduction to FireSmart. You'll learn about the Wildland Urban Interface, what the home ignition zone is, why FireSmart is needed more than ever, the seven FireSmart principles, and more.
Take the course: https://firesmartcanada.ca/programs/firesmart-101

For More Information Contact
Ryan Dugaro
FireSmart Coordinator
Phone: (250) 395 2434
Email: Firesmart@100milehouse.com

FireSmart in the District of 100 Mile House is funded by a grant from the Community Resiliency Investment program.
FireSmart and other associated Marks are trademarks of the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre.