100 Mile House is Investment Ready!
100 Mile is an active, growing community in British Columbia’s Cariboo that is business-friendly and works with you to achieve maximum success. Our access to major transportation routes contributes to our long-standing importance as the service hub for the South Cariboo. We are proud to provide a wide variety of services and amenities that go beyond what is typically offered in communities of similar size.
Small business, recreation, arts and culture, and a supportive entrepreneurial spirit offer residents and businesses more of the good life. We are a friendly, caring community and are excited to showcase our opportunities to you.

Map Credit: Shane Doddridge
For all investment related inquiries, please contact:
Joanne Doddridge - Director of Economic Development & Planning
Office: (250) 395-2434 Fax: (250) 395-3625
Email: jdoddridge@100milehouse.com
Address: PO Box 340, 100 Mile House, BC V0K 2E0