The District of 100 Mile House, in consultation with Interior Health, is issuing a Boil Water Advisory for all customers on the municipality’s water system with the exception of the Exeter area.
There has been a major loss of water, some contaminants, such as dirt and sediment may have entered the water system, testing will be conducted once the situation is rectified therefore the Boil Water Advisory will be in effect until further notice.
All Municipal water users are advised to bring drinking water to a rolling (heavy) boil for at least one minute OR purchase bottled water from approved sources. Do not use tap water to fill water bottles, mix juice or prepare fountain drinks or slush, make ice or brush teeth.
Until the situation is rectified you may have no water.
Bottled water is available for residents at Canlan - 175 Wrangler Way. One case per residence.
A potable bulk water truck will be at Canlan around 5:30 to fill containers that residents bring with them.
The District thanks its customers for their patience while it resolves the situation.
If you have any questions, please contact the District of 100 Mile House at 250-395-2434.