All bid opportunities for the District of 100 Mile House will be posted on this page when available.
Current Opportunities
RFQ Number 2025-003
The District of 100 Mile House is requesting quotations for:
This is a Request for Quotation only. By requesting quotations, the District does not intend to enter into, and shall not be considered to have entered into, contractual relations upon the submission of a quotation by any person and no “Contract A” shall be formed between the District and any supplier upon the submission of a quotation. Without limiting the foregoing, the District shall not be obligated in any manner whatsoever to any supplier until a written agreement for the performance of the work herein contemplated has been duly executed.
Inquiries regarding this Request for Quotation may be directed to Todd Conway, Director of Community Services, phone 250-706-2156 or email .
A quotation shall be prepared and submitted at the sole expense of the proponent and without cost to the District of 100 Mile House. All quotations received by the District of 100 Mile House become the property of the District of 100 Mile House and as such are subject to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
Quotations sealed in an envelope, clearly marked with the supplier’s name and the product and/or service name will be accepted up to 2:00 p.m. (local time), March 18th, 2025 and will be received by:
Sheena Elias
Director of Finance
District of 100 Mile House
385 Birch Avenue, 100 Mile House
2025 Parks Attendant RFQ Package
Request for Expression of Interest
100 Mile House Sign Bylaw Development
Please submit Expressions of Interest before 2:00 p.m. local time, April 7th, 2025, to the attention of:
Joanne Doddridge
Director of Economic Development & Planning
Municipal Office
#1-385 Birch Avenue
Box 340
100 Mile House, BC V0K 2E0
The District of 100 Mile House is interested in obtaining contractor services for development of a new Sign Bylaw. The current sign bylaw dates from 2008 and no longer meets the District or the community’s needs.
The new sign bylaw will be practical, clear, and focused on ease of use and administration. It will include photographs or graphics to depict different signage types and regulations. Proposals that include strong business engagement are preferred.
Expressions of interest should include:
A high-level proposal of approach and methodology, including at least one in-person visit to the community
A timeline for completing the bylaw development, including initial review, public engagement, drafts and staff review, Council presentation(s), readings and adoption.
A cost estimate to complete the work
Your experience with similar projects, including samples if applicable.
Expressions of interest will be accepted by email, postal mail, courier, or hand delivery.
Qualified contractors who submit an expression of interest may be invited to submit a full proposal or participate in a more detailed conversation via MS Teams to discuss the project and make refinements to their proposals based on the discussions.
The issuance of this Request for Expression of Interest, the submission of a response and the acceptance of such response by the District of 100 Mile House does not obligate the District in any manner. The District is free to negotiate with any of the respondents. The District is not contractually bound to any matters until such time as the District has negotiated a separate contract that is totally independent of the Expression of Interest process.
Questions about matters relating to the Expression of Interest must be directed in writing, and not orally, to the District’s representative listed on page 1 of this Expression of Interest, before April 4th, 2025.
Past Opportunites
Proposals are invited from qualified proponents to deliver Community Forest and Woodlot Management Services.
Sealed Proposals, clearly marked on the outside of the envelope with the words “Community Forest & Woodlot Management Services”, will be received at the District Office, #1-385 Birch Avenue, 100 Mile House, BC, V0K 2E0, up until 2:00 PM, August 23rd, 2024. Proposals will not be opened publicly at that time. Submissions via email will be accepted.
RFP Documents may be obtained on the District of 100 Mile House website or from the District office, #1-385 Birch Avenue, 100 Mile House, BC.
Closes: August 23rd, 2024 @ 2:00 pm Local Time
For more information, contact:
Joanne Doddridge, Director of Economic Development and Planning
#1-385 Birch Avenue, 100 Mile House, BC, V0K 2E0
Phone: (250) 395-2434 Fax: (250) 395-3625
Please see below for details regarding proposal.
The District of 100 Mile House is compiling its Hired Equipment List for the 2024/2025 Winter season, and advises that all persons or companies wishing to have equipment listed should pick up documents and conditions, available at the District of 100 Mile House Office, 385 Birch Avenue, 100 Mile House, BC. Full details and application package are also available on our website
The specifications filled in and signed shall be returned to Todd Conway, Director of Community Services, District of 100 Mile House, #1 - 385 Birch Avenue, Box 340, 100 Mile House, BC, V0K 2E0 no later than 2:00 pm, local time, October 18th, 2024.
New listings will be compiled and will be in effect from acceptance date until March 31st, 2025. Higher consideration may be given to Contractors providing recent snow removal services to the District.
Todd Conway
Director of Community Services
District of 100 Mile House
Request for Proposal
RFP 2025-02
Development of Community Wildfire Resiliency Plan (CWRP)
The District of 100 Mile House (District) invites qualified consultants to submit proposals on the development, analysis, and delivery of the Community Wildfire Resiliency Plan (CWRP). A boundary map for the District of 100 Mile House can be found in the appendices or here: Boundary Map
Details of the scope of work and the District’s objectives to which the RFP relates are set out in this document:
Community Wildfire Resiliency Plan RFP
Proposals with the Community Wildfire Resiliency Plan (CWRP) as the subject line and in PDF format can be emailed to or are to be addressed and delivered to:
District of 100 Mile House
1 - 385 Birch Avenue, PO Box 340
100 Mile House, B.C. V0K 2E0
On or before 2:00 p.m. February 18, 2025
Request for Proposal
RFP 2025 -001
Official Community Plan and Zoning BylawResponses are to be submitted on or before 2:00 p.m. local time Feb. 18, 2025 to the attention of:
Joanne Doddridge, Director of Economic Development & Planning
Municipal Office
#1-385 Birch Avenue
100 Mile House, BC V0K 2E0
Phone: (250) 395-2434
Email: jdoddridge@100milehouse.comThe District of 100 Mile House is requesting submission of proposals from qualified professional planning consultants to undertake the preparation of a new:
District of 100 Mile House Official Community Plan (OCP)
District of 100 Mile House Zoning Bylaw
Submission Details
Two (2) copies of the responses are to be in sealed envelopes or packages marked with the Respondent’s Name, Title and marked 100 Mile House Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw RFP 2025-001. Emailed copies of the proposal will be accepted.
Complete RFP 2025-001 Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw Package
Queries should be submitted in writing to:
District of 100 Mile House
Attention: Joanne Doddridge, Director of Economic Development & Planning
#1-385 Birch Avenue, Box 340
100 Mile House, BC V0K 2E0
Fax: (250) 395-3625
RFP 2025-001
Official Community Plan and Zoning BylawAddendum #1
Posted Feb. 11, 2025
Q: Where is the current OCP located?
A: The District’s OCP can be found here:
development/zoning-land-use/official-community-planQ: The budget is very high. Are you anticipating an exceptionally strong consultative effort?
A: The budget is an upper limit price. It may be utilized in full or in part, depending on the consultant’s proposed workplan. We anticipate a competitive planning consultant realm due to provincial housing requirements and deadlines for incorporating them into municipal OCPs and Zoning Bylaws.
RFP 2025-001
Official Community Plan and Zoning BylawAddendum #2
Posted Feb. 12, 2025
Q: Are you interested in just having poster maps of the plan and zoning, or would you like an online system set up?
A: The District already has a mapping system in place, using ArcView GIS. Currently, we do all mapping updates in-house. We want the mapping for this project to be provided in that format or one compatible with ArcView GIS, for ease of integrating it into our current system. We are not looking for an online system to be set up.
RFP 2025-001
Official Community Plan and Zoning BylawAddendum #3
Posted Feb. 13, 2025
Q: Do you have the current OCP and ZBL in an editable format?
A: Yes, both bylaws are in Word and PDF formats.