100 Mile House has a strong diversity of housing types, including mobile homes, townhouses, apartments, duplexes, single family homes, and smaller homes suitable for seniors. There is an abundance of serviced residential land available for building your own home, with new residential lots in town starting at $89,000. There are plenty of qualified builders and trades people in the area.
Real estate in 100 Mile House is some of the most affordable in British Columbia. BC Assessment Authority lists the 2023 average single family home assessment at $405,000.
The rental market has picked up considerably in the past few years with significant interest from newcomers looking to work remotely, new residents choosing a more relaxed and rural lifestyle, as well as those seeking a safe and comfortable home environment with a little more space than the big city allows. There are opportunities in 100 Mile House for purpose-built rental housing. Seniors focused housing is also in demand.
There are several commercial lots available as well.
Local Realtors
Re/max 100

811 Alder Ave, 100 Mile House, BC
Phone: 250-395-3422
Toll Free: 1-800-731-2344
100-475 Birch Ave, 100 Mile House, BC
Phone: 604-664-7630
Browse current listings
For all investment related inquiries, please contact:
Joanne Doddridge - Director of Economic Development & Planning
Office: (250) 395-2434 Fax: (250) 395-3625
Email: jdoddridge@100milehouse.com
Address: PO Box 340, 100 Mile House, BC V0K 2E0