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Economic Development Projects

Current Economic Development Projects:

Wayfind Strategy - Completed 2022
The District of 100 Mile House Economic Development Strategy: 2021 and Beyond identified a wayfinding strategy to determine the best mix of tools to increase awareness of the region.  The Wayfinding Strategy will highlight local assets and facilities to support visitors, new residents, and businesses, and to guide people moving throughout the community - giving visitors a positive experience. For more information on the Wayfinding Strategy

Tourism Asset Inventory - Completed 2022
The District of 100 Mile House Economic Development Strategy: 2021 and Beyond has identified tourism as a sector for future regional growth potential. To better understand the tourism potential, it is important to identify what assets the community and surrounding area have. Complimenting this would be an inventory of existing tourism-related businesses, their status, capacity, and business opportunities. An inventory of these assets can clarify where the greatest opportunities currently exist and identify gaps and potential for tourism development and promotion. For more information on the Tourism Asset Inventory.

Videography - Underway - Completed 2023
The District of 100 Mile House Economic Development Strategy: 2021 and Beyond recommends development of a stronger marketing focus, both for tourism and resident attraction goals.  To that end, the District has commissioned a series of 4-season tourism videos for publication in various media platforms.  The videos will capture the essence and uniqueness of 100 Mile House as a visitor destination and showcase our tourism products, services, attractions, and activities. For more information on the Videography project. 

E-Bike Acquisition & Tour Development - Completed
The District has acquired several e-bikes to deliver ambassador services.  Visitor Centre staff use the e-bikes to reach more tourists by being present in the community.  This will provide increased opportunities to extend visitor stay and spending.  Our e-bike ambassador team and e-bike tours are a modern, environmentally sustainable, and inclusive product to deliver information and engage visitors in a destination activity.

Visitor Centre Amenity Improvements - Completed 2023
A new outdoor public washroom facility and redesigned grounds will encourage more visitors to stop at the Visitor Centre and learn about the business services available in town.  This will hopefully encourage longer stays and spending, along with providing visitors with a positive experience while at the centre.
Community Transition Capacity Project


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