2025 South Cariboo Joint Grants for Assistance Annual Intake Program

Type: News Release


On an annual basis, Electoral Areas G, H and L of the Cariboo Regional District (CRD) and the District of 100 Mile House provide a joint Grants for Assistance Program to local not-for-profit organizations for projects, activities and events that strengthen and enhance the wellbeing of the community and promote volunteerism.

To qualify for a Grant for Assistance, the applicant must:

  • Clearly indicate the amount and type of assistance requested;
  • Provide evidence of how the applicant benefits the community generally and how the assistance being requested would benefit the community specifically; 
  • Provide financial information sufficient to identify all other funding sources and justify the need for financial assistance.

Applications may be submitted using the online application form on the Cariboo Regional District website. Applications must be received by the CRD by September 30, 2024. If you have any questions about the program or your application contact Kathie at grantwriter@cariboo.ca.

Applications may be picked up and returned to the District of 100 Mile House office located at 385 Birch Avenue 100 Mile House, BC or on the District website www.100milehouse.com.

2025 Joint Grants for Assistance Application

Last updated