District Office - April Roberts Photo
Photo Credit: April Roberts

News & Public Notices

, Type: Community Forest, News Release
Tuesday, October 12, 2021 – For Immediate Release October 12, 2021 – A Message from Mayor and Council I hope everyone had a healthy and happy…
, Type: Community Forest, Public Notice
NOTICE of PILE BURNING within the Community Forest and Woodlot 0577 (99 Mile) To complete the fuel mitigation treatments on both Woodlot 0577 (99…
, Type: Business, News Release
  September 29, 2021 – The District of 100 Mile is pleased to announce that the Community Transition Marketing Project is now complete. Funding…
, Type: Business, Public Notice
The CRD is updating the region’s Solid Waste Management Plan and we want to hear from businesses! 100 Mile House businesses are included in this…
, Type: News Release
Now that the Fire Danger Rating is lower, we have received some precipitation, and we are back to more seasonal temperatures, the District of 100…
, Type: Community Forest, News Release
Notice from the 100 Mile Development Corporation Now that the Fire Danger Rating is lower, we have received some precipitation, and more seasonal…
, Type: News Release
A Message from Mayor and Council August 17, 2021 The 2021 wildfire season is yet another challenging summer for all of us in the South Cariboo.…
, Type: News Release
Aug. 13, 2021 - The Interpretive Marsh Walk and Beautification Project are now complete.  The District of 100 Mile House was successful in…
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